Every Client Takes a Different Approach

When to Call a PI Attorney

A personal injury situation is always a challenging one. If you have been injured on the property or by the actions of another person (or company) then they are likely liable for the cost of your injury treatment along with any lost wage. However, proving that liability while also worrying about healing your injuries is an unfair burden to put on the injured party. This is why personal injury attorneys are ready to step in at any moment to help you both with handling your recovery and managing your legal tasks to receive ample compensation.

So when is the best time to call a personal injury attorney to get started on your case? What are the key moments where you should call your lawyer back to discuss strategy? Let’s dive into the right moments, from the very first, to call a personal injury attorney to help you with your insurance case and/or liability lawsuit.

1) After You Have Received Medical Attention

Your first priority should always be your safety, and the safety of those around you. Because you are injured, focus on securing any sustained wounds and getting yourself and your companions to safety. Once safe, visit a medical professional. Have them give you a full checkup and try to predict how your pain and healing will progress in the future. Try to know early-on if you will be facing an extended recovery process.

Once you are cared for, bandaged, and safe to conduct further business; then call a personal injury attorney. Talk about your situation and consult on your options for a personal injury settlement based on the risk that caused your accident.

2) To Discover If the Other Party is Liable and At-Fault

It’s important to know the legally responsible party before you start submitting insurance claims or lawsuits. Your personal injury lawyer can help you identify the circumstances of your injury and which party is most likely – legally – at fault. This defines who is required to pay and how much you can hold them to that value. Consult with a personal injury attorney to assess how liable, if at all liable, the accused party may be for your injury.

3) When the At-Fault Party Tries to Shift Blame

Watch out when injury-causing parties start to shift the blame. This is a pre-emptive move anticipating how insurance works. If the at-fault party tries to cast shade on you, your party, or even other brands you’re not aware of, this is a dangerous sign. Often, it’s a sign that the at-fault party is aware they are at risk and choose a person to “take the fall” to stop, discredit, or permanently mire any attempt to claim insurance money.

Don’t let this get to you and don’t let blame stick to you. Seek the advice of a personal injury attorney instead.

4) When You’re Ready to File an Insurance Claim

Before you file an insurance claim, check with an attorney. Have them check your answers and the forms you submit for accuracy and then for formality. A personal injury lawyer can really help improve your work with both complete and useful answers and providing answers that don’t diminish your hold on a respectful expenses-covering insurance claim fulfillment.

5) When Insurance Tries to Reject or Run-Around Your Claim

If you have already submitted your insurance claim and receive any trouble – or a rejection – call you personal injury attorney. They will be able to help you re-assess your claim. Together, you can decide if you want to try filing again or go after bigger, more connecting, claim. If an insurance claim won’t cover your needs, then you can start planning for a lawsuit.

6) If It Comes Down to Filing an Injury Lawsuit

Sometimes, a liable party either doesn’t have insurance to claim on or has a policy of ducking lawsuits instead of facing them. If its starting to look lik an insurance claim won’t help to cover your injury costs, try taking it to a lawsuit. You can legally sue a liable venue or business for providing unsafe grounds and walkways. If it comes to a court battle, you’ll want a real pro at your side.

7) If There Is a Major Change in Your Health or Your Case

Finally, if your circumstances suddenly change, it may be a good time to call your personal injury lawyer. If your injuries suddenly get worse and you see a long recovery path ahead, tell your lawyer so they can fight for you with that information and more ferocity on your behalf. If your insurance claim was rejected after a long wait, let your personal injury attorney know.

Have you recently been in an accident or experienced an injury where another was the responsible party? Whether your injury was caused by a venue or a person’s actions, contact us today to consult with a personal injury attorney on your claim and case.